Mercy Meals of Southwest Nebraska is a non-profit organization that encourages volunteers to package nourishing food that is then delivered by Orphan Grain Train to children in need throughout the world.

We are 100% volunteer!

The packaging facility is located at: 112 South Tecumseh Avenue, Wauneta, NE 69045.

Through this program we hope to instill in our children a sense of self-empowerment, civic duty, world awareness, kindness toward our fellow men and women and appreciation for the blessings in our daily lives. We want them to know that they CAN make a difference in other people's lives by being informed, by making good choices in their lives, by giving their time and by donating their talents.

Dedication of the Mercy Meals Facility took place September 16, 2012. Attendees packaged 3600 meals before the ceremony.

Board Members:

Pastor Keith Wellman - President

Annette Long - Secretary

Mary Haarberg - Treasurer

Laurie Kerchal

Janet Keiser

Harold Nordhausen

Jan Coone

Page Johnston

TV news:

KNOP North Platte - All Over the Globe Video report - November 2012

NTV Visit September 2012 - Slide Show - some photos from the visit

News articles:

The Wauneta Breeze - Mercy Meals receives first big food shipment (August 23, 2012)

The Imperial Republican - Mercy Meals of Southwest Nebraska helps feed hungry children (August 2012)

McCook Daily Gazette - 'Mercy Meals' gets food shipment (August 24, 2012)